Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Getting It Together

So, a lot has happened the past 4 weeks, and most of it has been wonderful.  But last week, I needed to kick myself into gear and get my own butt moving.  I needed something or someone to tell me to "get it together, girl!"  No one likes to feel like they wasted something (time, energy, money, chances), but sometimes, it happens.

One of my favorite people in the world, Jennifer Lawrence, had a moment when she had a little voice tell her to get it together.  She had been nominated for an Academy Award, for the second time, and WON and was at a fancy-shmancy after-party.  She had already won the award, got to canoodle with the always-sexy Brad Pitt, and was wearing a gorgeous dress. But, at some point in the night, she ended up having a moment.  Check out the video, she's way funnier than me.

What's the point of this?

Well, in the past month, I kicked off my Instagram Yoga challenge, attended my best friend's bachelorette party, launched my yoga program's website, attended my father-in-law's bachelor party, rehearsal dinner, and was a groomsmaid in my father(s)-in-laws' wedding, closed our old box location, and actively helped prepare and open our NEW box location.  Not to mention, my amazing husband completed his summer school with a 4.0 AND helped me with all of my career moves. We worked until midnight on a Friday, just to make sure our spot was ready for Saturday's class.  It was exciting and overall, I would say it's been good 3 weeks for the Hotchkiss-Heim crew.  Not to brag, but I'm pretty proud.

But after all that, I woke up on Saturday having completely overslept and thus missing our first class in the new box.  Embarrassed, but still exhausted, I ultimately stayed in my pajamas all day.  I did not make any effort to exercise.  I had a latte and toast for breakfast, toast for lunch, and pancakes, eggs, and ice cream for dinner.  On Sunday, I was better, I taught yoga in the AM, got done all my errands, did some cooking for the week, and got a lot of work done for Body Reconstructed.  But again, zero motivation to do anything physical and no interest in going outside.  Kinda sad.

Just like Jennifer Lawrence, who celebrated too hard, I woke up last Monday morning (bright-n-early at 4am) and realized I needed to get myself together.  After weeks of eating and drinking in honor of celebrations, after long days of slow and steady manual labor, after many nights sleepless in anticipation, my body felt like a pile of....crap.  So, I got it together.

There is no easy way to get back into the groove of working out, you just DO. IT.  I knew I needed something that would get my heart rate going, but didn't involve too much strength, as I know after 3 weeks, I would be much weaker.  So this is what I did:

Active Warm-Up, Followed by the following WOD:

500m row
50 Wall balls (#14 to 10' target)
400m row
40 Wall balls
300m row
30 Wall balls
200m row
20 Wall balls
100m row
10 Wall balls

If I'm being honest, I'm not happy with the time I got, but I am happy I did it at all.  Motivating yourself is not always easy and after the first round, my legs felt shaky, I was very short of breath, and I thought about quitting.  But that day was step one, the step I must take to continue on and get back what I lost.  You must wade through the suck.  You must.


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